"Almost Perfect" Laundry System Part 2 -- The Process and Performance

Performance -- Front-Load vs Top-Load Front-load is better. We had been using top-load all these years and now we knew why those who use front-load swears by it. The clothing comes out much much less wrinkled. Performance -- Dryer for extra straightening effect. When you combine it with a dryer, the result is even better. This is because the heat from dyer straightens the clothes further. Is it not good enough to wear? Ok, this white school shirt may not look that good on photo, but this is so much better than what's coming from a top-load (I did take a picture but just couldn't find it). And trust me, it is good enough to wear to school already. After you put it on, 5 minutes later, they all look like this right? The "Perfect Laundry Process" Washer --> Dryer --> EZ Bella for assistance to put them on hangars --> Wardrobe There! If you still don't think it is awesome, just think about it: No more laundry r...