Wood...what kind of wood? The Investigation

Ikea Billy Bookshelf

Woodchips sandwich with laminates.  It's alright, we know why we buy these, it is cheap and looks good.

This 3-door wardrobe is what we are using now, bought it in the neigbourhood furniture shop for around $200?  Comes with delivery and installation.  Not a bad deal for something we just going to use for 2 years.  Although flimsy and feather light to the touch, it manages to hold it's shape better than those chipboard from Ikea.

Closer look at the board.

Here's what's happening to the Kitchen Cabinet doors above the cook top.

More pic

I took out a piece

Does it look like ....

Can you tell which one from the wardrobe and which one from the kitchen cabinet?  Looks the same ins't it?  I better go check what my ID is going to use. 


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