Cooker Hood -- What is the right height?

I mulled over this before the installation.  Came the time to install, we just went along with what our carpenter suggested.

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

After a month in the kitchen, I have hit it at no less than five times and from all sides.  I should now be able to answer this with some authority: how should the hood be positioned?  Here's the definitive guide.

It's all about the height.

First, there is a constraint you have to work with: the maximum distance between hob and hood. For my Fujioh hood, the separation distance should be within 800mm.

Second, determine the height of the hob.  It should be around 800mm to 900mm, depending on your height and what you are comfortable with.

The height of floor to hob in my case is 900mm and hob to hood is another 750mm making it a total height of 1650mm or 1.65m.  I am 1.75m tall and the hood is just at my eye level.

I had a chance to take measurement in my rental apartment, my mom's and my two in-laws': average height is 1.55m.  Lowest is at 1.5m, at my chin level.  That unit is in my brother-in-law's condo, came installed.  He is slightly taller than I.  In actual use, it is not that bad.  You can still get a full view of the cooking area.

Keep it in view

My recommendation?  Hood should be well below your eye level.  Somewhere between your eyes and chin.  Somewhere at your nose or upper lips.  At your chin level if you are really tall.

At that level, even when you bend your head,  eyes staring downwards, fully engage in your food preparation, you will still have the hood in your view -- less chance of ouch!


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