"Almost Perfect" Laundry System, Part 1 -- The Gadgets

Miele, by accident

It was mid September, 2015, just a month after placing our option to purchase for the new apartment.  Although we had been browsing the kitchen section of Harvey Norman's, Best, Gain City... we knew we were not in a hurry.  Where to put them if we do buy?

Then we saw the ad for warehouse sale for Miele.  We had never notice Miele and decided to go take a look at what they had to offer.

We reached the sale location at around 11am.  Almost half of the items, mostly demos and showroom sets, were gone!  Even after the price reduction, they still cost more than a brand new set of other brands.

However, my wife was mesmerised by this:

She said it just felt right.  I was pretty angry actually, I had wanted her to get a front-load and she resisted.  Now, just like that, in mere seconds, she's converted.

I, on the other hand was busy being mesmerised by this:

Specifically, this:

I did not expect to find this many ticks on... a dryer.  I also couldn't recall if I had any appliance that spots so many ticks.

I want this!

They looked really good stacked together.  We hesitated because we had not own a Miele before and the price, even after 60% discount, was still 50% more than what we had budgeted for.

For warehouse sales like this, it would be best you come prepared.   We were discussing, all the time standing right in front of the set we were interested in, a lady walked in and bought it.  We ended up waiting for almost an hour before getting confirmation that someone was letting go a reserved set.


The dryer uses a heat pump technology: heat is returned to the unit unlike conventional vented or condenser type and therefore more efficient in energy consumption.

Another thing to look out for is whether it comes with a drain pipe.  Since our units are stacked, we could connect the drain pipes of washer and dryer to the same outlet.  This way, you don't have to clear the water tray.


** Also bought an oven.  Couldn't help it.  It is built like a bank vault.  Door is heavy.  So solid...

EZ Living

We had one of the pull down and out system before.  My wife instantly recognised the same salesman, Jeff.  This time, we got the EZ bella S5.

All the pieces were in.  Next, the perfect process.


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