Not steady -- Master Bathroom

Our ID did the 3-D drawing, on-site inspection and everything looks alright.

We divided the bathroom into half: left for shower and right for basin.  The shower shall be glass divider with swing door.  

We also wanted a kerb because it is useful to put lots of things.  

Just two days ago, our carpenter asked us for the measurement of the wash basin area.  Only then did we realised...

The space is too small for a basin!

Solution?  He asked us if we mind taking a basin with 27cm in depth from Ikea.  

We called up to cancel our basin.  Rushed to Hoe Kee, Sim Siang Choon and Ikea to look at other basins.  

Our ID came down to view and apologise.  Since he cannot come up with a solution, we came up with one.

But he will have to pay for it.


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