Plumbing -- Horrible Plumbing!

5 days to move and we hit problems.  One of them is plumbing.

How to run a pipe?  Shouldn't this issue been dealt with like... thousands of years ago?

Whenever I see a few young men storming into the house and work in frantic paces, I can't help but worry that something would go wrong.  Why am I so right?

Bent, twisted and unceremoniously mutilated!!

How should it be done?  Here's a look at the piping work in my rented condo:

Pipes are aligned horizontally and vertically.  

How to negotiate a bend?  Use an angular connector!

I am so glad good work like this is not hidden.  Do take a moment to look and appreciate at this display of splendid and meticulous workmanship.

Something to show my ID and the plumber.

And to add, I am furious at my ID for thinking that was acceptable work.


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