Not steady -- Painting

Painting was done by one guy and I am sure he rushed through it under pressure.  Some parts, especially gaps in trunkings were not properly plastered and painted over.  Since the painter will be coming back for final touch up, we will let him fix it up then.

The problem is with the colour of paint for the sewage pipes.  (I realised the pictures taken were too dark to show.   Will have to retake)

For the master bedroom toilet, the wall tiles are beige.  The pipe colour, was not close enough to blend in but understandable.  However, the common toilet wall tiles are grey and he used the same beige colour.

When asked, our ID said "oh, you can only choose one colour for sewage pipe.  The master bedroom toilet is more important so we choose that colour for both."

Really?  Aren't the IDs supposed to match colours to designs?

When pressed, he told us, small matter, he would settle it.  We are not happy already - repeatedly give us excuses instead of fixing the problem right away.


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