Interior Designer Series -- 3, O*

Interior Designer Series -- 3
We came across a few designs on the site that we liked while combing through the web.  I sent a request and got a response.  In my reply, I fixed the time and also attached my floor plan and pictures.  
O***, Somewhere in Joo Chiat
The designer was a lady in her thirties.  Once seated and the pleasantries exchanged, I was furious and I wanted to get out of the meeting right away.  She was not prepared!  I was sure that she had read the email because she replied to it but she didn't go through my attachments.  But somehow my wife had an affinity with her.  Ahh...had to be those children things; women loved to talk about children.  
I endured the session and when I got out, I was ready to put it out of my mind.   However, my wife had other plans.  They communicated and setup the next meeting.  
So what have we got:
The kitchen was designed for a clean and minimalistic look -- sure, it would look good when done and photographed.  But we did mention we do cook and have many appliances.   An open top would be too messy.  
Master bedroom - she was the only one who proposed to place the wardrobe directly opposite our bed.  Hmmm... open the door and face the side of the cupboard?  Sure, we would have a larger wardrobe but the adjacent wall would be so wasted. 
Trust: 2/5 (too distracted, don't read emails, unprepared)
Experience: 4/5 (she showed us enough photographs of the projects she did)
Taste: 2/5 (we didn't like the layout)
Cost: 3.5/5 (mid-high end)


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