Interior Designer Series -- 4, Rezt & Relax

Interior Designer Series -- 4
Attended an event hosted by another website where you could meet with nine IDs.  It was very well organised and we had a wonderful experience.  We did our homework before making appointment to meet with just two of them.  The first was:
Rezt & Relax, Ubi Ave
For those who have spent a little time checking out IDs, this name should be a familiar one.  Their projects have appeared in many publications.  
We met with a petit, young and energetic lady.  I was quite impressed her idea with two area of our concern and she pointed them out immediately and effortlessly.  We went on to make an appointment to see her the following week.
When we went in, she already had the table setup with our drawings and sample materials on the side.  We spend almost two hours with her before having to rush to another meeting.  
R&R provides warranty for their renovation work for between 1-3 years and even lifetime warranty for some items.  
Trust: 5/5 (big name, provides warranty)
Experience: 3/5 (some ideas were brilliant but others were impractical)
Taste: 3/5 (couldn't come to agreement with the kitchen and living room layouts)
Cost: 1/5 (high end, branded, certification)


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