Interior Designer Series -- 5

Interior Designer Series -- 5

9 Creation, Ubi Road 1

We met with Randall from 9 Creation on the same day as the event mentioned in ID Series 4.  He came across as unassuming and thoughtful.  

During our first meeting, after going through our floor plan and our requirements, among other things, he gave us an interesting solution for our storeroom door.  We wanted louvered doors.  But we all know that louvered doors are old fashioned and unsightly.  He showed us a PVC door that might fit our requirement whereas most other IDs had no clue or couldn't be bothered.  Why are we so picky on this?  We stayed in an apartment with bomb shelter used as a store room.   After a year, mould started to developed and ruined many things.  We had to rent a storage to store them for the next few years.  So yes, we think storerooms MUST be well ventilated.

He scored bonus points for being the only ID who sent us a 3D drawing.  When we complained that his design made it looked claustrophobic, he insisted we come down to his office.  Another bonus point:  he already had our house plan drawn into his 3-D software.  As we discussed, he made changes right away and immediately we could see if the design works.  That was by far the most fruitful session and we had very much nailed down the design by the end of the two hours.

In the end, it was not only the software skills he displayed that impressed us, it was also some very useful and practical suggestions he had that made us think he is the right one to proceed further.

Trust: 4/5 (we went to see one of his on-going project in the owner's presence)
Experience: 4/5 (no issue here)
Taste: 4/5 (very much in-line with ours: practical and not ostentatious)
Cost: 4/5 (reasonable)


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